Briliant story. It answers so many questions I've had: from what defines a forest in the eyes of the government, to some of the hazier details of my own family's history. This is some truly excellent reportage by @mohitmrao.
'Godavarman told the men: “There are six bullets in this gun, and I’ll shoot five of you with it. I’ll keep the last bullet for myself. I’m old and I have nothing to lose. You think of what you will lose.”'

What a legend.
I'm naming my next band Continuing Mandamus.
Within the Kovilakam, the local adivasi groups and their role in forest conservation are still discussed in a highly patronising way, still defined by old stories surrounding annual Paattulsavam, and very much seen through a casteist lens.
The political and social nuances of that area, as discussed in this^ article, are largely glossed over in our family. My own (limited) understanding of these complexities have only come from casual conversations with NGOs and forest officers in Nilambur.
The family contents itself with the fantasy that we were once noble stewards of the land, since fallen on (relatively) harder times, rather than entitled landowners -- superfluous middlemen really -- with a contentious relationship with the environment and its true stewards.
And when we discuss court cases, it's usually the compensation case that everyone pointlessly goes on about. Nobody talks about the Godavarman petition, which is so much more exciting. I do hope this article gets read widely even within the Kovilakam.
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