ok so i’ve been kinda sad and gloomy n i wanna start focusing on the bright things in life so here are some of the adorable things about life i love and notice but never get a chance to gush about !!
i love when someone’s baking cookies and someone else gets really excited to lick the batter off the spoon !!!
i love when someone stops walking to smell a flower i think that’s the cutest shit in the world !!
i love when you put on lotion and someone else asks for some n sniffs it and secretly loves how it smells n feels on their palms
i love when ppl get flustered and try to put on a tough persona but in reality they’re soft n gooey n melty and they don’t want you to know i think thats the cutest shit ever
i love when someone doesn’t like something they hear so they subtly scrunch up their nose it’s so fucking precious
i love when a stranger’s eyes light up when they receive a compliment it’s like they have stars in their eyes
i love this one i think it’s so cute when people get surprised that i prefer having control in the bedroom i love seeing their faces go all :0 i think it’s so fucking cute i wanna dick u all down when u do that
i love when people pay for strangers coffee thats so adorable i once got coffee for free and it made my whole week i love when people do that
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