enji kissing hawks like he wanna eat him... he's just so big and all-encompassing. hawks feels so powerless in his arms when enji gets like this— like he wanna own all of him and there's nothing he can do but submit. let enji's heat envelop him, let enji in.
and hawks lets it happen because he trusts him. he trusts the way enji caresses his body with brute strength, not too delicate but not too strong to break. he'll sing his pretty songs for him, pinned like a butterfly onto the mattress. enji's unspeaking. unyielding. intense.
ravaging him with a fervor of a starved man and hawks is his very own buffet. he goes at it, fucks the little bird for hours to calm the raging in his veins, the hunger soaking him to his bones, until both of them collapse into themselves, tangled in each other's arms.
the next morning, enji blearily blinks at hawks' form curled up beside him, blooming with purples and blues and pinks. love letters that enji marked on his skin in a burst of passion. the blonde wakes up then, taking one of enji's cheeks in hand.

"good morning."
there's understanding in those pools of gold, warmth fighting the cold in enji's own blue eyes. enji pulls him closer gently, knowing it's over. the atmosphere has shifted, and he's melting into hawks' touch like wax to flame when it should be the other way around.
"i love you."

"i love you too."

now, it's hawks cradling his face in small hands, peppering him with kisses. last night's wounds bleeds out the much needed softness, and they share a sweet, gentle kiss.

the scale was tipped, but together they find balance again.
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