My political views have always been that freedom is a good thing and should be strived for. Freedom brings with it the need for responsibility and it brings with it danger. But when you boil it all down, what freedom brings is choice and options.
Be wary as hell of those whose ideologies and politics ask you to give away your freedoms. Worse those that ask you to forcibly wrest away someone else's freedoms.

They will promise you security. They will promise you certainty of outcome. All you have to do is trade liberty.
Sometimes knowing the final outcome is worth trading your chances to change that outcome.

Sometimes safety and security are worth trading away your choices.

But those trades should NEVER be made lightly. They should always be made with open eyes.
And it should be known that one always runs the risk that the certainty was an illusion and you traded security from one tyrant in favour of an even worse monster. At least when you had options and choices you had a chance. What now? Now that you traded those away?
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