the sign Jupiter is in tells you where and in what qualities or experiences you find hope and belief. the house shows you what area of life you cultivate to kindle hope and belief, and angularity shows you how available hope and belief feel/are to you.
essential dignity of Jupiter tells you how available resources are (or aren’t) to Jupiter itself to help you kindle hope and belief, and describes what tools Jupiter has to do so.
Jupiter in detriment or fall has non-conventional or unfamiliar resources to kindle hope and belief, and these things may not come as automatically at first, but could be more resilient or lasting.
oh no not me drifting into another essential dignity thread
For a year now, planets in Sagittarius and Pisces (as well as the houses Jupiter rules in your chart) have been guided toward hope and belief by a Jupiter with limited resources for such, and Saturnine priorities.
The resources Jupiter has had to offer & support hope & belief are things like delayed gratification, consolidation, gradual and consistent effort, lessons hard learned, the certainty of mortality, the weight of time, brutally realistic prioritization, saying No, stoic acceptance
What kind of resources do you think Jupiter will have in Aquarius? How will our source and guiding vision toward hope and belief change on December 19?
Brainstorm under this tweet or quote RT, whether on Jupiter in Aquarius or on your own Jupiter placement 🌝
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