"The Dhyana Mudras is also being called the hand gestures of meditation. The use of mudras, in the practice of yoga are a powerful tool for self-care and empowerment."
#YogMudra #DhyanMudra #HandGestures #MeditationMudra
The  #Anjali_Mudra is the practice of meeting the hands together by the sternum in a “prayer position”. This hand gesture is used frequently during the practice of yoga. Anjali is Sanskrit term which means, “to offer” or “to salutate”, and the term Mudra means “seal”.
#Apana_Mudra is a panacea practice for diabetes patients. To do this mudra, join the tip of the middle and ring finger with the tip of the thumb. Apana Mudra is especially beneficial to women, helping to regulate the menstrual cycle and easing childbirth.
#Buddhi_Mudra is a simple yoga hand technique, or gesture, designed to balance the water element in the body and improve mental clarity. To form Buddhi Mudra place the tip of the little finger on the tip of the thumb. The three fingers remain straight.
In Kundalini Yoga, #Gyan_Mudra is most often practiced with the hands resting on the knees and the elbows straight, although Yogi Bhajan taught it with many variations. If the palms face down, one is grounding and rooting oneself to the earth.
If the palms point out, you are connecting yourself to celestial knowledge. In this position, one of the most common in yoga and meditation, the mudra practitioner becomes detached from worldly affairs.
#Dharmachakra_Mudra, used by Buddha during his first sermon following his enlightenment, represents continuous flow of energy. Dharmachakra is a Sanskrit word which means "the wheel of dharma." The mudra also symbolizes kalachakra, which refers to the time cycles.
#Ganesha_Mudra is related to Anahata Chakra (the heart chakra). It opens up the heart, regulates its functioning and strengthens the organ. A strong feeling of warmth and brightness in the heart area may be experienced on regular practice.
#Garuda_Mudra is a dominant mudra to put in to your every day meditation practice. This mudra is helpful in balancing the vata energy in the body. Vata symbolize the storm in the body, therefore garuda mudra run the wind in the body. Owing to unfair wind, body experiences a lot.
#Hakini_Mudra is also called as ‘Brain Power Mudra’ or ‘Mudra for the mind’ as it enhances the brain power. It is also called as ‘power gesture’ since it installs power in the mind. It is useful for those who are multi tasking leading to stress and brain fatigue.
#Kalesvara_Mudra calms monkey mind and soothes anxiety and irritation. The mudra, one of the ancient yoga hand gestures that links body and psyche, alludes to spiritual elements of time and of death. Also supports kicking an addiction and improving concentration and memory.
In the #Kubera_Mudra Each of the fingers has symbolic significance:
Thumb – forcefulness
Index finger – knowledge and growth
Middle finger – stability and justice
By bringing these fingers together in kubera mudra, it is believed that energy transmits into the universe.
The #Linga_Mudra symbolizes the victory of positivity over negativity. Practicing this mudra awakens the fire in the body, which in turn produces energy that can revitalize the organs. The digestive system is activated, and energy flows through it in order to balance gut issues.
#Mukula_Mudra helps to relax and give strength. It is applied to the organ or part of the body that hurts, is weakened or tense. It is as if a laser beam of regenerative energy is applied to the affected body part or to the desired organ.
Do this Yog Mudras everyday for 30Minutes only, and see the changes. It will give you positive lifestyle and active body throughout the day.

Start from today, keep doing!! 👍

Have A Happy Life 😊🙏
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