What's this "brute majority" bullshit? All bills are discussed in parliament, aren't they? Don't MPs represent their voters, who include farmers? When govt calls for a debate oppn prefers to walk out. Why blame brute majority? And Oppn need to ask itself why it's in minority.
2. The reason why the oppn is where it is, is because they set very low standards for themselves. Imagine looking up to a dunderhead like Rahul Gandhi for inspiration. The man, sleeps, winks or mostly makes an ass of himself in and out of parliament. And then they wonder why they
3. are in the oppn? Every 5 years they get the chance to correct their mistakes and redeem themselves but they don't. They are dealing with a well oiled party machine like the BJP which has finally got a majority and is not willing to let go. And they are backed by the largest
4. and dedicated non-political organization with a singular aim. If the opposition displayed even 10% of that dedication they wouldn't be whining on about 'brute majority'. But like crabs in a basket, all they do is pull each other down. When they aren't doing that, they are busy
5. carving out fiefdoms for their progeny. At this rate, the BJP will rule for another 50 years and you can keep on bitching about 'brute majority'. I'm not complaining. I want a strong govt and not as Sir Humphrey called them, "a loose confederation of warring tribes". Cheers!
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