As some of you may know, I’ve been dealing with deteriorating mental/physical health & have been in an extended psychiatric episode. I’ve been struggling with whether or not to hospitalize myself (which is only a question because of a severe lack of halfway decent resources)—
But tonight, I am reminded why I don’t want to be in a hospital & why I can’t heal in a hospital. I hadn’t eaten all day & was laying in bed when my partner brought me this plate of food.

ID: a plate full with salad, rice, chicken, and sausage.
After living without my partner for 2 years, I was reminded of the power of having someone to care for/with you & help meet basic needs. I want this for everyone, especially for people in crisis. But I know this is not the standard for so many, and we turn to institutions —
to meet basic needs we often can’t provide for ourselves. So many people don’t need institutionalization — but we need SOMETHING & that’s so often the only option. It’s inhumane, unjust, and simply horrific.
We should offer Personal Care Attendants (PCAs) for psychiatrically Disabled folks who need help surviving outside of an institution + have different needs. We need to expand our definitions of support, care, and healing. Warm food that I didn’t have to cook is healing.
It was just what I needed. I’m not magically better because of this meal, but it was made with love by someone I love, and you just can’t get that kind of thing in a prison-like cell all by yourself while being forcibly drugged.
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