9 of 10 Trump voters I’ve talked to believe mass voter fraud occurred.

8 of those 9 cite the protracted counting and Biden’s “comeback” after Trump led Tues night.

Again: Legislatures in MI/WI/PA failed America by not allowing pre-processing. This madness could’ve been avoided.
There was no reason—none—to deny clerks the ability to process ballots early. Other red states allow it. Makes perfect sense re: efficiency AND accuracy (less rush, fewer mistakes.)

But Rs there decided to indulge Trump’s war on mail voting. The consequences have been ruinous.
Some credit goes to Lee Chatfield, the Republican House speaker in Michigan, who refused to allow pre-processing—and now admits that was a mistake.

Will Republican leaders in other states follow suit? Hopefully. But I fear a tremendous amount of damage is already done.
(And by “some credit,” yeah, we’re talking the bare minimum. Chatfield can’t undo the serious harm done. He and his colleagues own this turmoil. That said, I’ll always applaud someone who admits a wrong and calls for it to be righted. Haven’t seen other Rs doing so.)
Final thought: In a serious country, run by serious people, the first legislative package introduced in every statehouse next year would address election funding and pre-processing regulations.

Don’t hold your breath.
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