It's so frustrating and disappointing to see Google Research discard @timnitGebru like an old garment.

Timnit has been such an incredible force for good in AI in so many ways, it's really unconscionable that she was treated this way by that organization and those individuals.
To you Timnit, I'd just say good riddance! Clearly they didn't deserve you and you deserve better. Let me know how I can help.
Also check out @math_rachel's excellent thread about Timnit's work.
To call out just one example, Timnit wasn't telling colleagues in the Women and Allies group to stop working on "critical DEI programs," she was telling them to stop wasting their time on window dressing that doesn't matter.
(And if you can't be frank in a "Women and Allies" group, jeez where can you??)
Looking forward to seeing what's next for you Timnit!
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