I dunno how to explain this but our clashing worldviews isn’t because of Liberalism/Socialism vs Conservatism.

These are a sub-sections of the larger issue: Atheism/Secularism vs Faith/Secularism.

The founders created harmony between faith and secular governance.
The post 1960 generation discarded faith, in the misguided belief it’ll free us from dogma.

New dogmas replaces the old: environmentalism, feminism, sexualize all.

The culture wars stems from this source.

Classical liberals [FDR & JFK] made sense but these new liberals don’t.
You can check for yourself. Speak to any atheist, and in 9/10 cases, they’re down with current prevailing social norms, they’re terrified of COVID-19, they believe ANY action taken in the name of combating climate change is acceptable. Freedom of speech is superseded by offense.
We replaced our collective need for community which the church provided, for alienation.

Virtue signaling instead of real virtue.

Virtual friendships via Zoom.

Drugs and porn instead of duty and the common good.

Life long adolescence instead of responsibility and soberness.
In this time we’ve had an explosion of narcissism, self obsession, dishonesty and hypocrisy becoming the norm in public life. These are all negative values the Holy Books discouraged and tried to tame. The new society is practically built on the aforementioned traits.
And here is the worrying part. Because we acquiesced to so much for so long, a new breed of amoral, Godless oligarchs who see humanity as a flawed business model [usually tycoons on the spectrum] that are post-human in nature and outlook have turned their attentions on us.
So here’s the question.

Are we beings with innate souls created by God or mechanical animals, lab rats that can be experimented on and pushed onto a Transhuman future?

“God is dead. We have killed him. How shall we comforted ourselves, the murderers of all murders” —Nietschzoe.
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