HOW TO GET A SPOUSE THREAD: This past week I’ve had the sad reality of seeing two close ladies experience assault in their relationship/Marriage 1 is a Corporate & other stay at home wife. I spent about 4-5hrs trying to convince the 1 lady who packed, to return to her Husband.1/8
HOW TO GET A SPOUSE : Against all odds she retuned & wks later yesterday they’re fighting again it’s like WWIII, I can name 5 friends who all successfully got church married & are all flourishing for yrs now, but these two ladies 4-5mnths & it’s everyday shouting & screaming? 2/8
HOW TO GET A SPOUSE: The stay home lady is a classic issue she wants communication from him & the she’s full of drama, nonetheless this is nothing new, others have survived & solved this,yet these guys feel like they’re drowning, D-Day everyday why? My wife suggested ending it3/8
HOW TO GET A SPOUSE: They part ways for Good, I thought 💭 she was wrong🙅🏾‍♂️but she was Right, why was she Right? Why don’t they know peace, yet my other friends & I are having blissful marriages? After prayer before bed I figured it out☝🏾most of US date ppl we like & marry them4/8
HOW TO GET A SPOUSE : & others MARRY IF GOD BRINGS SOMEONE, CONFIRMS SPEAKS or COMMUNICATES his chosen one for you, I knew my wife’s name before I even met her, my buddy God spoke to 3 different ppl & confirmed his wife, another had Vision of her meeting his folks,Mpesa names 5/8
HOW TO GET A SPOUSE : your only to kiss at the alter etc.. but these 2 couples decided themselves & No where was God in that Relationship it was Not God Ordained & so there ANIMALS & Alas 2 ppl without Gods Glue will be blown away by a small breeze while His enjoy the cool air6/8
HOW TO GET A SPOUSE : When some marriages thrive & others are bludgeoning themselves, consider this, DID GOD BRING them or YOU? Who Chose your Spouse? A human being or God?Did God affirm your choice? Did you Actually Pray about your SPouse? Did You? Any Relationship with God? 7/8
HOW TO FIND A SPOUSE:God doesn’t give His own a chance or allow them to search for their spouse in Eden. If Adam was allowed to choose wouldn’t he have come out with an Animal? It’s God who brings the perfect match not you searching but while your mind & body SLEEP on the issue.8
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