For all the journalists contacting me about it, I’m not replying individually. Especially because some of those contacting me have a history of writing anti-trans & purely transphobic articles & I know the narrative you’re going to try create. So here’s my response in the open:
“No, this weeks ruling in the UK will have no direct impact on child and adolescent trans healthcare services in Ireland as this ship has already sailed. Tavistock clinic had been caring for our trans children & adolescents in Ireland for many years through the Treatment Abroad
Scheme. Their tenure with the HSE was always due to end in January 2021. And as a result, creating an Ireland based service for trans children and adolescents was/is the main focus of the National Transgender Healthcare Steering Committee. And this is why the delay in the
publication of the committee report & the subsequent delay in the implementation of the report recommendations has had such a catastrophic affect on Ireland’s young trans people. Had all previously agreed timelines of publication/implementation of the been adhered to by the
Department of Health ( @roinnslainte & @DonnellyStephen) young trans people seeking life saving treatment would not have been left abandoned without services. But now they are.
Also,Tavistock prematurely ceased referrals from Irish based patients a number of months ago. Far before
this weeks hearing in the UK ever came to court.
This cessation was not connected to this one, very rare case in the UK. To my knowledge, this premature cessation was as a result of a conflict risen by the liaison psychiatric team of the National Gender Service run by St.John of
God’s Mental Health Services.
Irish trans children and adolescents lost services in Ireland far before the judgment in the UK this week.
And no one noticed. Because no one ever notices when trans people lose services or healthcare access. And this needs to change.”
This is why it’s so important to hold @MichealMartinTD to what he said in the Dail yesterday about progressing the report, insist @DonnellyStephen makes contact with us as he remains silent, & remind @SimonHarrisTD of the #transhealthcarenow that students demanded last week. END.
I’ve probably just broken the confidentiality clause imposed on me by the Dpt Health, but they broke it on Nov 25th in the Seanad. So 🤷🏻‍♂️
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