1/5) So I did a little digging and I put some puzzle pieces together for everyone following the @DigitalBitsOrg( $XDB) & the @zytarahq news today ( Congratulations on finally coming out of stealth mode btw 🥳 ). Both of whom are focused on closing the gap between #BLOCKCHAIN
2/5) innovation and driving mass adoption! Immediately my wheels started turning and I went straight to the source. THE TEAM BEHIND ZYTARA & guess who is the VP Product & Partnerships of @zytarahq is! @mdbmorris. Co-Founder & CEO of http://getslide.com  which got bought out by
3/5) @RaiseMarket ( http://www.raise.com  ) in 2016. Afterwards he became the Head of Business & Corporate Development for Raise. GUYS LOOK AT THE BRANDS HE WAS WORKING WITH WHEN HE FOUNDED SLIDE AND WORKED FOR RAISE! #XDBARMY do you see anything you like?
4/5) What does @zytarahq have to do anything with @DigitalBitsOrg you ask? @AlBurgio founded both companies. A Serial entrepreneur with extensive experience with management, product development, marketing, public speaking, capital raising and M&A across various industries. $XDB
5/5) Thank you for reading. Now please like share comment and retweet. #XDBARMY is growing and we are so lucky to have founded this space yet alone @DigitalBitsOrg $XDB which is at a 5 million dollar market cap. Unbelievable when you look at the team and use case this token has
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