I'm watching the Nora Roberts slugfest with awe and fascination, and no small amount of delight, because I've had this same fight, multiple times.
"You write so fast, I shouldn't have to wait between books!" Yes. I generate raw text very, very quickly. RAW text. It needs to be edited. It needs to be revised. And my brain, for all my kidding, is not ACTUALLY a vending machine.
When I finish a Toby book, I have wrung that part of my brain dry. I can scrape up enough focus and plot for a novella, but another book? Would break me. Or break the book.
We went from our original six month publishing schedule, which was LUDICROUS, to once a year so I could have another book between Toby books to help me regenerate.
InCryptid makes Toby better, not only by giving me chances to practice my craft and improve, but by giving my brain a break.
Nora Roberts deserves breaks. All authors deserve breaks. And our characters deserve breaks, too! They deserve time to catch their breath before we hurt them again. The books will be better if the time is there.
"Just write three books and put them all out at once" may sound reasonable, but are you going to come to my house and pay all my bills? Because an author who's not publishing is not getting paid.
And maybe Nora Roberts can live on her royalties, but not everyone can. Most people can't. And if she starts keeping that publishing pattern, we ALL get pressured to do it, and a lot of us starve or quit.
Unless the goal is FEWER opportunities for new authors. Because why is a publisher taking a chance on me when they can get six Nora Roberts books a year? Or a chance on you when they can get six books from me? It hurts EVERYONE to treat successful authors like machines.
So this person is positing a world where a successful author can write a perfect, finished book worth reading every two months, with no refraction period or editing time, and that is NONSENSE.
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