NDAA FY 2021: little for Russia in terms of sanctions (few surprises and likely limited impact), some concern regarding Turkey's S-400 purchases, and importantly attempt to limit corruption via use of shell companies via The Corporate Transparency Act. https://twitter.com/connorobrienNH/status/1334607286350868488
1. For Russia NDAA FY 2021 includes #Nordstream2 and Turkstream #sanctions, but in form of minor expansion on activities and with significant wavers and exceptions. These won't have much of an impact.
2. For #Turkey NDAA FY 2021 "Not later than 30
24 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the President shall impose five or more of the #sanctions described in section 235 of the CAATSA with respect to
each person that knowingly engaged in the acquisition of
the S-400"
3. Regarding Turkey, section 235 of the CAATSA on sanctions are that could be applied
4. Link to the CAATSA document relevant to the NDAA FY 2021 sanctions https://www.congress.gov/115/plaws/publ44/PLAW-115publ44.pdf
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