Today is international day of disabled persons! Here are a few juxtaposing images that define a portion of my disabled life.
This is a reminder that disabled ppl don’t need to present in a certain way to be so, this is a reminder that we are not glued to our assistive equipment. This is a reminder that showing these images, some ppl will see this as “she just has scoliosis” when that’s a side effect.
This is a reminder that we understand, observe and contribute wholly to society. This is a reminder that this disabled person made 2,100+ sales this year so far. This is a reminder that disabled people are an integral part of the fabric of the world, no matter how you see us.
This is a reminder that many of us put on a good face. That a lot of us are in pain, and we still want to be invited and included places even if we’ve cancelled for it before. Reminder that we don’t want to talk about our disability when you’ve decided to buy us a drink at a bar.
Lastly, this is a reminder that YOU could become disabled like, tomorrow, and you should care about a world that includes it for more reasons than just that one. Thanks for reading :o)
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