A few thoughts about the State Farm Arena surveillance video from election night: (thread)
We need a lot more information. In my corruption investigations, I always keep in mind my own confirmation bias. "When all you've got is a hammer, everything looks like a nail."
The other viral video of a Dominion worker moving a USB stick from one computer to a laptop earlier this week led to a death threat against him. Why? The poll watchers' narration made the video look nefarious. It wasn't 'treason.' It was a normal process in open view.
Trump campaign reps similarly narrate the State Farm Arena video, seeing what they were looking for. "There could be 6,000 votes in that suitcase! They were counting votes without no one watching!" It turns out the guy in the blue shirt was a monitor from the Sec of State.
We don't know if the video shows counting. "He pulled a suitcase of ballots from under the table!" We don't know what was in the case. Do I want answers & more info? Absolutely. But be cautious relying on subjective analyses from those who have a stake in the outcome.
I am keeping an open mind. But we don't start investigations with a conclusion ("election fraud!") and then go looking for evidence. We start by collecting evidence & draw conclusions at the end. Saying "ah ha!" at this video now means you started with confirmation bias.
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