The only Jews discriminated against by Corbyn's Labour were his own Jewish supporters. Corbyn even gave an anti-racism award to the racists of so-called Jewish Labour Movement in spite of their support for the ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians. Btw I'm not an organisation.
Throughout the EHRC report there is no evidence of Labour Party responsibility for any Jewish member of the Party, or non-member for that matter, suffering detriment or disadvantage on account of being a Jew. Unless anyone can find something I missed.
It's telling that "concerned about Jews" means support for Zionism. It so happens when I first read of Israel's history, my first thought was that it was terrible for Jews. My family wasn't particularly Zionist, we just thought Israel was the goodies and Arabs the baddies. ->
-->Everybody seemed to think that then. But when I said in front of family friends, "Menachem Begin was a terrorist", one of the friends went berserk calling me names. Shouting "Jew boy" at me. My dad was embarrassed at my taboo behaviour. So I tried Zionism for a few years. -->
-->Yup, I took my Zionism seriously. Touring Israel - Redbridge Israel Adventure - subsidised they told us, by Marks & Spencer. Kibbutz twice. Lying for Israel and falsely accusing people of antisemitism even when encountering the real thing at university. -->
--> To be honest, I usually argued against the explicit racism of Israelis and Jews at home but really a plea to cover it up or at least be genteel about it. But then came the invasion of Lebanon 1982. Rosh Hashonna and the Rabbi applauded the massacres at Shatila and Sabra.-->
-->I remember not going back for day 2 of Rosh Hashonna. There were walk-outs from a lot of shuls in protest at racist Rabbis. I didn't connect with any Jewish left. I read that in Shatila and Sabra 9 Jewish women were killed having left Palestine in 1948 with Arab partners. -->
-->Again it was a prime concern for Jews that made me angry with Zionism but I came around to seeing it not only as a crime against Jews or simply against Palestinians but a crime against humanity.-->
-->So when Zionists ask of anything, is it good for Jews? I ask, is it good for humanity? If it's good for humanity it will be good for Jews as a part of humanity. But Zionists want Jews to be apart from humanity, above humanity, and that's not good for anybody. The end. For now.
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