About 17% of households live in apartments with 5 units or more, but they only account for about 9% of total household energy consumption. Energy use is also declining faster for these households than other housing types. We need more apartments and condos.
A few more stats, now that I've realized there's a more recent survey: By 2015, the share of households living in buildings with 5 or more units increased to 18% (+1%), and their share of household energy consumption fell to 8% (-1%).
In 2009, people living in buildings with 5 or more units used 63% as much energy per household member as people living in single family detached units. By 2015, this had fallen to 50%(!).
Per-capita energy consumption is lower in the Pacific division (CA, OR, WA) of the West region than any other region or division of the U.S.
Pacific = 19.4 million Btu/person
U.S. = 30.3 million Btu/person
Important to note that this is just 'site energy consumption,' so it doesn't include transportation. New England has the highest site energy consumption but places like NY and Boston make up a lot of ground with very low per-capita transportation-related carbon emissions.
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