The most vicious enemies of physico-spiritual health are prohibitive costs + time constraints of proper lifestyle. Goal should be to streamline + automate processes for nutritional nourishment while u graduate to greater forms of sublimity…
The first foray into esoteric health nets $300 grocery/supplement receipts, but the end goal is almost free— homemade constant-ferment yoghurt/kombucha/kefir, weekly local sashimi/tobiko roe delivery, home-fortified local spring water, daily ice baths in converted chest freezer…
I discovered early that tight routines dispense with repeated tasks quickly + allow cultivated chaos in other spheres of life. My shopping is route-optimised, my morning routine is an iteratively evolving interpretive dance i perform upon waking, culminating in a nourished Don.
200L chest freezer may be greatest purchases I made this decade. I keep ~80kg organic local pastured beef in it, and freeze buckets of water overnight to put in my bathtub for cold bath. I could convert the whole freezer to an ice bath in <2hr with some sealant + wall-plug timer.
Eat nose-to-tail as best u can. Try brains, eyes, rocky mountain oysters. Great thing about suppression of genuine health knowledge is that the best parts of an animal are the cheapest. Liver/heart/kidney are a fraction the price of muscle meat. Bones often given free (just ask).
Organise repeat deliveries, buy in bulk, finagle special deals w/ local sellers, befriend farmers + wholesalers to secure special arrangements. Eg: Ask a local butcher if he'll save bones for you once/wk, use them for eternal broth in $80 slowcooker (another great investment).
For purification fast 1 day for each year u have lived— sip magnesium/sodium/potassium salts in water throughout the day and u can fast until ~7% bf. Or, fast like prophet Dawud: every second day, 24hrs on 24hrs off. Muhammad (PBUH) endorsed this.
Beauty: Coco oil, sun, and seawater are all I use, and my skin glows golden like Agamemnon's trophy chest. dont live near the sea?? U can homebrew seawater: strong solution mag/potassium/sodium salts. Fill a spray bottle in bathroom, spritz on face/hair after shower.
U can fortify nearly every food with some imagination. Eg. fortified all-purpose seasoning: sea salt, mag chloride, kelp powder (iodinemaxx). sprinkle on anything. Fuck it. mix creatine thru ur yoghurt.
Ultimately it's always best to get nutrition from food rather than supplements, and many foods are unmatched even by multvitamins in nutrient density.


-Pine Pollen
-Raw Salmon
-Raw Honey
Kombucha is easiest to batch brew and bottle as needed, and kefir is best fermented continuously. For kefir use a large jar with a perforated screw top. sieve kefir out daily thru the lid, unscrew and refill with milk. That's fresh kefir daily with as much effort as a Brita
Your body is a gym: link ur hands together and use one arm to provide resistance and the other to perform a bicep curl motion. do u understand? there are infinite potential exercises like this, just look for them.
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