What are we watching play out before us?

Fraud on an epic scale that shows voting
doesn't matter because the outcome was
Who chose? The Parties did (both of them).
DJT was not their nom, and they didn't want
him to win... but he did anyway in '16.
So they conspired to manufacture a way
to remove him by any means necessary.

To level set, I've voted almost exclusively
GOP ticket for decades.
I voted for Reagan and even for the
turds McTumor and RINO Romney.

Trump showed the Party how to fight and
win, not surrender and move on.
He swelled the GOP ranks with those who'd been ignored
for decades and built a movement.

The purpose was to empower people, not politicians.
That is the crux of what we see playing
out as politicians resort to their old game.

The call to battle is now Georgia as
your future hangs precariously.
The GOP reverts to its former pre-Trump self and proclaims…
Your end is near; so surrender and send us money.

Chicken Littles…
Ya see, I'm here for Trump, not Georgia/GOP.
After decades, I see them only as donkey enablers.

I see the State as incompetent in their duties and
criminal in their acts.
I saw Sarbanes-Oxley up close and personal... that
was the government's edict on detecting/preventing
fraud in business. Odd, those same rules don't apply
to the election process.
I also know data, and how to use it for a purpose.
It's why they hide it from those who can show
their scam having destroyed the evidence
of the crime intentionally...

47 missing USB keys in PA?
The truth is the State isn't looking to
ensure anything. They are there just to run
the process. They can't validate it, but
will "certify" 'cus you can't prove otherwise
The establishment has called you back to the fold
and removed their biggest threat in decades. This
is exactly what Reagan meant when he said the
Party left him.
I'm done playing the fools game. The GA races
will be run using the same rules; so I expect
the outcome the Parties have agreed to.
I'm more concerned with the lack of transparency
they've built into the system. This is far
from the first election that's ever been run.
I'll be over here backing Trump, y'all follow
the shiny object they've dangled before you.

I can only hope Trump prevails in the Courts,
'cus the Party set the table for him to fail
and us with him.

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