
COVID vs. Hope-Simpson Flu Patterns: 12/3/20

We're not through a whole year yet, but patterns are emerging, and I wanted to take a closer look.

We'll start with NY/IL who both are N. Temperate but not exactly the same climate pattern.

Now FL/TX.

FL is closest to true N. Tropical.

TX is very large with varying climates. Some are almost as far north as the southern tip of IL but most pop is further south.

Like IL vs. NY, we would not expect TX to mirror FL exactly but to be much closer to FL than IL/NY.

Now all 4 together. Notice the "W" shape mixing the N Temperate with N Tropical.

Also notice the obvious high winter peak for NY/IL that drops to near-zero in summer.

Notice the lower wave pattern for FL/TX that never gets to zero. Summer peak occurs; winter peak higher?

The pattern seems unaffected by Non-Pharmaceutical Interventions (NPIs). However, economic health, children's education, and Constitutional freedom are heavily-affected.

We need the CDC, academia, and gov't leadership to be honest about the true results and costs of NPIs.

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