H.o.l.y. SHIT!!!!

Will be live tweeting my pity drinking

I feel obligated since the bottle has my name on it who am I to argue
Maybe the bait and switch was good because it gave me a little bit of hope it was amazing all of a sudden I had the focus to work 12 solid hours on getting the ticket and getting down there

But FUCK http://fly.com  and #Googleflights for their bait and switch tactics
1/3 down 2/3 to go

This liqueur glass is really too small to do the job I've got to dig in for the champagne glasses in my closet sometime if I'm going to start with prosecco rather than going straight to whiskey
The other thing in the view of that pic is potato chips I've made an unreasonable facsimile of guacamole with lemon tomatoes and avo, because I'm too nervous about the age of the mango salsa in the fridge to make my signature poor Man's guacamole
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