I have a theory about the type of AfAm professor radical lady we saw discussed in this tweet who acts radical but bashes black men all day and performatively thirsts on white men for kicks and how it’s changing image of Black women among white liberals https://twitter.com/champagnesharks/status/1334301425099214852
I don’t know if these types of strivers are playing up this kind of behavior because they know a certain type of white liberals finds it funny, like the new minstrelsy, or if white liberals are promoting it because it’s the type of black woman or queer they’re most likely to meet
But I’m noticing that in addition to these types constantly portraying themselves in that fashion in the mainstream, even white writers are starting to write their black female and queer characters that way. I noticed it starting on SNL and what they wrote for Leslie Jones...
...or maybe she wrote it for herself. I don’t know. But it really jumped out at me watching Queens Gambit. They had the black friend from the orphanage come back as an adult and she has natural hair and is talking radical but also brags she has a rich white married trick...
...and she basically does that “getting the bag” talk you see a lot of people on here do, where being kept by a rich white sugar daddy is cosmic justice. Was just waiting for her to use the term “reparations” for it. It was so presentist. The main character even pointed out...
...the hypocrisy of it being that he was wealthy and married and she was just like “yeah, that’s the joke”. Which is another weird response they always have for the self-debasing thirst. That it’s some kind of joke even tho they also are serious.
My first thought was they had one of these blue check women who wrote for TV but are always on here making weird tone dead jokes about black people and about thirsting for white men like R*e S*nni writing for the show but the show is written by a middle aged white guy!
Like that whole “white man’s whore” style “humor” and woke and radical but thirsty for white guys’ aesthetic is that normalized and mainstream now that even white middle aged guys are writing that character into shows set in the 70s. I checked the novel and the character...
...doesn’t say or do any of that there! It’s something that only appears in the Netflix adaptation!
The sad thing is I think this “type” is kind of a low key diss among white people or a backhanded joke, disguised as endearing or awesome. I feel the fact it’s getting normalized and pushed to be a backhanded diss. I don’t get what it added to the Jolene character
...I say this to say this normalization is also why I think that women felt no cognitive dissonance about being radical and an aspiring African American studies professor and tweeting about Black men like an alt righter or thirsting on white men in cringe ways all day
It’s so normalized that nubianlocz woman felt no fear that it would keep her from being hired in academia. Honestly given how endearing white people seem to find the shtick I wonder if it even helps one get put on in media-academia complex now.
This is the conversation in the Queens’ Gambit book. None of that “got me a white trick, I’m a radical but I’m also getting the bag from my rich married white trick, it’s all somehow a joke even tho it’s also how I really live my life” talk from the show
It’s clearly geared toward the twitter crowd. And it worked. I saw a lot of weird Stan accounts with kpop avis and/or the Black Lives Matter headers with the three female faces praising that “fuck em if they can’t get a joke” like as best of the show https://twitter.com/mfmeery/status/1334625219068088320
Oh wow I spend this whole thread crafting and using circumstantial evidences to support a theory and...she just tweeted it out lol (I was blocked so I couldn’t see) https://twitter.com/1hewyndham/status/1334629563964469251
Interesting how she conspicuously left out what she said about straight black men. She kind of only refers to it obliquely by implication...what she says about Black feminism, LGBTQ and capitalism all coalesces around the idea straight Black men are demonic
But she confirms what I was guessing...the powers that be know of her thoughts, encourage them and even taught them to her which is why she not only is tolerated for having them but rewarded for it
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