"Jewish Voice for Labour" are the opposite of what they say and claim. They are an *Anti*-Jewish Voice and are not for Labour.

They say they are taunted as 'the wrong kind of Jews' when it is *they* that make that distinction, holding themselves up as the true, good Jews
against a mainstream community supposedly corrupted by modern politics. (In this they take their cue from Jeremy Corbyn himself who has openly and bigotedly talked of only being able to support certain types of Jews and Jewish traditions).

They claim that 'zionists' are
antisemitic for conflating Jews with Israel. But it is AJVL members who seize on any scrap of DNA, twig of a family tree or other increasingly tangential connections to Jewishness to claim a special right to assert their embarrassing takes on the Israel-Palestine conflict. Its
co-creator has even proudly declared exactly that as her one-track activist journey.

No organisation has done more to encourage, shield and promote Corbynite Antisemitism than AJVL. It is quite right that its members who continue to do so face sanction.
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