Visited the superb #ArcticExhibition @britishmuseum today. I started by reorienting myself in the Arctic, surrounded by clothing representing the many different people who live in this region
I spent a long time looking at the vibrant colours & intricate stitching, and at the artwork that held a very different perspective of the earth from the one I am used to #ArcticExhibition
I found some of the images jarring, like this one of a woman standing amidst chopped up whale. It reminded me that we all live differently, in our own environments. Also, every part of an animal plays a role in survival #ArcticExhibition
Walking through the displays, I felt I was getting to know people through their stories and clothing. It was one of the most personal exhibitions I have ever visited & I loved it. This story about a toddler's outfit, I'll never forget!
The design, installation & lighting was just superb. I mean, just look at this item of clothing & the inuksuk!
What a finale! Stunning anoraks made from paper and covered with coir & patterns! Just look at the shadows! #ArcticExhi
I may have done an internal dance for joy in the gift shop when I saw a small book I co-wrote with Alison & Tanya, 2 wonderful colleagues from Aberdeen University. It is about a mammoth ivory summer camp model from Siberia that is displayed in #ArcticExhibition!
@sealgut So many congratulations to you and everyone who contributed to this fantastic exhibition!! It was incredible and I want to go and see it again!!
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