This is absolutely the thing. This was *the moment* to drop all the evidence on the table. In court, on the record, "ace ace ace ace. There you go. Oh hang on what's in this pocket? MORE ACES. Hey everyone look at all this high-quality relevant research informing our pathways"
"You want discussions of the limitations of this research and how we've accounted for that in our clinical decisions? Page 9, next to YOUR MUM"
"Oh hang on wait a minute I haven't checked the *other* pocket yet and oh wait don't tell me yes I thought so it's our MASSIVE PILES OF EXPERTISE

'Le stick sur le pipe et le puff puff puff', as they say in France"
This would have been *the* time to lay out that information.

If it existed.
Instead, nothing. No stats, no tracking, no followup, no nothing.

Leaving all the supporters grasping at straws like hardcore Trump fans looking for the next dimension of chess, or failing that the reasons all his allies are actually deep state pawns.
And then the *gall* to just up and change all the guidelines straight away and say, of all things, "we welcome the clarity the court has provided"
It was *your job* to establish that clarity before you started treating people! It's no good now going "oh thank god someone's cleared *that* up for us"

What an absolute abdication of responsibility.
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