Turnitin is just one example of a higher-ed product that manages to 1. Fail at its intended use, 2. Cost a bizarre amount, 3. Profit off of the unethical collection of student data, and 4. Demonstrably make students *worse* at the thing it's supposed to help them learn https://twitter.com/lwaltzer/status/1334536808751902721
100 students showed up for an *optional* 90-minute plagiarism workshop I ran this fall, and the comments lit up when I explained that it's largely Turnitin's fault they believe paraphrasing is a matter of hunting for synonyms and changing word order
Turnitin also makes language acquisition harder: a lot of what we call "grammar" is just collocation, but English language learners have been given a deep fear of borrowing three consecutive words from a source
Would personally love to have every prof failing ELLs for plagiarism attempt to paraphrase a scholarly article in a second or third language "in their own words"
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