Happening now: the Ohio House is deliberating a bill designed to create undue burdens for people seeking abortions.
VIDEO: http://ohiochannel.org/live/ohio-house-of-representatives
“This bill isn’t about making sure pregnant people have options. It’s about limiting which options exist. It’s about shaming patients who choose to have an abortion, and the medical professionals who provide abortion care.” https://prochoiceohio.org/2020/12/03/ohio-house-prioritizing-anti-abortion-agenda-ohioans-lives/
Rep. Hambly opens by discussing his anti-abortion views.
Rep. Koehler adds stigmatizing remarks attempting to place different values on people who have miscarriages or abortions. All people deserve respect with their reproductive health. No one needs Rep. Koehler's bill or his opinion.
Pro-choice legislator @RepRichBrown explains flaws in the bill. He opposed it during the committee hearing on the bill this morning.
. @RepRichBrown references our testimony. @JMiracleOH summarized our stance during a media call this morning:
. @RepRichBrown is doing a terrific job in explaining the various ways in which Senate Bill 27 is an unconstitutional undue burden, clearly in violation of the SCOTUS ruling in Whole Woman's Health v. Hellerstedt.
Fake women's health center director Candice Keller claims everyone in the legislature is being very careful to protect life / won't wear a mask.
Rep. @Liston4Ohio emphasizes how horrible and impractical Senate Bill 27 is.
Rep. @Liston4Ohio is asking the real questions that come with "bury or cremate" legislation like Senate Bill 27: "Would this bill require women to strain their discharge following an abortion?"
There are so many incredibly invasive expectations that are hidden in Senate Bill 27. Legislators like Rep. @Liston4Ohio, and @RepGalonski in previous hearings, are asking these questions. The Republican sponsors of the bill don't know and don't care.
Rep. @EricaCCrawley: Women die in childbirth once every 12 hours. "I do not hear this passion for women and infants who are dying." She adds the disparity in maternal & infant mortality when race is a factor. "Where is the same concern for these women?"
Rep. @EricaCCrawley is doing a damn fine job of attempting to shame Republicans in the chamber for their failings on maternal & infant mortality... but these legislators have no shame. Thank you, Rep. Crawley, for speaking the truth.
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