The problem with Marxists/communists (whatever they call themselves) is and always has been that they actually have quite good analysis of the relationship between Labour and capital and the problems that exist with our economy but their solutions are very poor.
That will be completely right when they tell you that the weakening of unions and resulting low wages has meant that consumption in many cases has fallen rather than grown and it’s why so many industries have been seeing a steady decline in the developed world even b4 COVID.
They will be completely right when they tell you that globalization and free trade has meant a race to the bottom for wages and benefits in the manufacturing sector and even some service sectors which have been outsourced.
they’re right about all of this but the solution isn’t handing over control of said capital to the government.

The government will be even worse as we have seen and continue to see in communist states.
And not only does the government in a communist state not give a shit about the workers and their welfare but when you transfer ownership of capital to the state you also lose out on the passion, the innovation and the hard work that capitalism motivates.
The one group that really has been much more effective in improving living standards for Labour historically are the unions and the Labour movement overall.

And it’s because they have had laser focus on what their gripe is. They aren’t concerned with global revolution.
They just want to be paid a better wage. And they know that collective bargaining improves their ability to negotiate that better wage.
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