some #transshit so early doors in my 'transition' i was made homeless for being trans and get put in a men's hostel. it was then i decided to go full time but couldn't leave the hostel dressed so i used to go to the same shop every day and 1
get changed. they knew who i was and what i was doing and where fine with it. was it terrifying? damn right. i had to prop a chair against the door of my room every night because folks in there wanted to kill me. did it stop me? fuck no. 2.
when i got a place i threw out all my 'male' clothes and that was that. the moral of this story to trans and non binary folk? it's not 'be tougher' but rather 'don't let anyone or anything get in your way. do what you have to do 3.
to live authentically. thank you. 4.
until we get to live authentically we can never give to others. push to live as who you are and not what others tell you you are (esp. if they are a doctor or nurse)
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