A number of things happened in quick succession (30 mins-ish) this morning at school which I want to share.
First, a phone call from a 93 year old neighbour who wants to make a donation for the children at Christmas. She ‘has found herself in a position to help‘ and wants to.
She rang off and was ringing the other school in the village to make the same offer too - ‘you can’t treat one without the other’. ❤️
Next, one of our EYFS littlies, who has specialist provision named on an EHCP but is thriving with us, came to see us. Although he can read and is excellent at letter recognition, he has so far refused to even hold a pencil.
He has a very special relationship with our premises manager. Today, they were thinking about what they might give as a present at Christmas and he asked his TA to write the sentence - I would buy Mr T an ice cream to share.
And then independently picked up his pencil and wrote his name, a T and an I for ice-cream. And drew a picture. Of him sharing an ice-cream with Mr T. And then told us all about it.
And the third thing.
We have a young lady in Year 6. She arrived with us in January. She is deaf-blind. She had NO language at all when she came to us - she had never been to school. Obviously she then missed school throughout lockdown.
She has been learning signs since September.
This morning, she showed us about 25 very diverse signs from pictures on flash cards. And was SO proud of herself.
And is at the start of being able to communicate and make herself understood.
And did every one with the biggest smile in her face.
A very special connection with her TA has allowed this. And all the other countless things she has achieved since September.
So - while teaching is hard, especially at the moment - never ever forget the difference we make. To individuals. To parents. To our whole communities. And to each other.
Never forget what a privilege and honour it is every day.
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