We polled a representative sample-on gender, age, education, social grade, 2019 vote and 2016 vote-in 45 seats in the North/Midlands that the Tories won from Labour at the Election.

It shows that, a year on, there are signs the Red Wall is going cold on the Conservatives. (2/11)
The Conservative vote share – 41% - looks respectable, but small margins matter in many of these tight seats.

The Party is only retaining 70% of its 2019 vote – with almost 1 in 10 switching direct to Labour, and around 1 in 6 saying they don’t know how they would vote (3/11)
Why is this?

It’s about values and fears about the ‘same old Tories’. The Conservatives are now seen as more out of touch than Labour in these seats (by 8 points), and are seen as less likely to ‘stand up for people like me’ (by 16 points). (4/11)
The poll shows this is fuelled by two major things.

1) A lack of clarity throughout the pandemic on coronavirus and coronavirus restrictions (net +47% agree)

2) Dominic Cummings’ trip to Barnard Castle and what this says about the Conservative Party (net +41% agree)

When asked what their main hesitations are about voting Conservative, Red Wall voters, these are the main things that come through: a concern the Party does not represent ordinary people, and Boris Johnson’s leadership

This is similar amongst 2019 Conservative voters

But Labour are in no way home and dry. Asked about their hesitations for voting Labour, Red Wall voters express doubts about their management of the economy, being too left-wing, and their stance on immigration.

The Tories are seen as doing quite well on a range of issues: defence, Brexit, economy, rebuilding after the virus

They lag behind on public services and housing, but it shows just how much of this is voters judging a party’s values rather than individual policies

But there is concern about levelling up – 62% are not confident the government would deliver on levelling up the North and Midlands by 2024, including 43% of 2019 Tory voters

And almost half say the Govt is giving no more attention to these regions than previous ones

Finally, how does the Red Wall view political figures?

The most popular politician in the Red Wall is Rishi Sunak (+33% net positivity). People are neutral about the performance of their new Tory MP.

Priti Patel is the least popular, with a net rating of –34%.

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