1. It's very simple. If you don't want to be labeled antisemitic then don't hold Israel to a higher standard than your own country.

To be clear, the nation-state law is very problematic, entirely unnecessary and many Jewish Israelis are firmly against it. https://twitter.com/HayesBrown/status/1334513329050673167
2. However, the Freudian comparisons of Israel's multicultural society - where Arabs have more political freedom, higher life expectancy, better healthcare & overall quality of life than anywhere in the ME - to the racist, atrocity-filled American experience, is ignorant at best.
3. Nowhere in his article does @HayesBrown consider that he's making an assumption that Israel has an obligation to provide bilingual education - even though we do it anyway. But why do Jewish Israelis have to foot the bill for Arabs to travel to another city to learn in Arabic?
4. Just imagine American taxpayers having to pay for Latin-Americans to be bussed to other cities so they can learn in Spanish. This is a country where people commonly get yelled at for not speaking English. Why Americans feel they have a right to preach to others is beyond me.
5. All over Israel street signs are labeled in Hebrew, English and Arabic. Arab Israelis have their own schools where they are taught separately in their own language - not because we demand it like America did for 200 years - but out of respect for their own desires and culture.
6. Again, the nation-state law is a bad law that causes many more problems than it solves. But that doesn't negate the fact that Israel is indeed a Jewish state. It's the only one we have. And one that we desperately need as a people for our survival, as the world has made clear.
7. Not for a second do I think @HayesBrown is antisemitic. But expecting Israelis to provide something that Americans would go ballistic if even asked to consider, is holding Israel to a higher standard - and THAT is exactly how antisemitism is practiced.
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