I don't know who needs to hear this today, but there's a whole cottage industry of book promotion/marketing services that'll happily take your money but not yield any meaningful results in return. Be wary. đź‘€

And, no, I'm not naming names at this juncture nor do I have recs to any 'good' services because I haven't found any yet. I may after I play some more.

Feel free to drop a recommendation if you've had success with any. At this juncture, I'm skeptical.

I should also add I'm protective of indie-authors and the money, time, and energy they invest in their book babies. We often start in the hole and some of these worthless services deepen it.

100% of my book sales come from word of mouth, my engagement here, pod interviews, and from spending the time to build a network of peers and allies I trust.

I don't think there are any magic bullets. It takes time, outreach, and vigilance to keep yourself out there.

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