This pandemic has proven that Canada does not need provincial government. Like most other countries in the world, where the federal leaders make all the decisions that are important to the wellbeing of all citizens, Canada should be structured in the same way. Think how much...
....we'd save in taxes, if we didn't have to pay provincial government salaries, plus all their staff salaries. They've proven they're useless, and even when it is provincial responsibility, everyone just blames the federal government anyway, so they might as well take it and...
...own it. Right?

All those savings from not having to pay provincial governments to do, well, basically nothing, can be rolled into programs that can help Canadians.
Here's some examples of how useless provincial governments are: fed oppositions screaming "We want rapid testing!" Rapid testing rolled out. Weeks pass by and then we learn the provincial governments have been sitting on the goddamned rapid tests for WEEKS.
Provinces got billions from federal governments to help with pandemic relief. Govt of Ontario has been sitting on $9.3 billion in federal money for months, doing nothing with it, while people suffer and die.
When a provincial premier complains about money coming from Ottawa with no strings attached, every person in that province should be suspicious. If these premiers intended on spending this money in the places they ought, they wouldn't care if the money came with strings.
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