2/ This was a man who was so arrogant, after previously walking free from court after being charged with GBH against Marion, that he thought he could get away with murder.

Not this time. https://www.northantstelegraph.co.uk/news/crime/guilty-face-cold-blooded-murderer-3056618
3/ Two years on from the GBH trial, and with coercive control laws in place, juries understand how women can be terrified of their husbands even if they’re not regularly beating them up.

Today, in court, it felt like a big step forward. https://www.northantstelegraph.co.uk/news/crime/grey-haired-gunman-who-tried-get-away-murder-3056824
4/ Marion is not here to see the verdict, but her legacy is an important one.

If you’re in an abusive relationship - tell the police. They’ll believe you. This can happen to anyone.

I know Marion’s wonderful, vibrant, colourful family will ensure her memory lives on.
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