(Event) Introduce a virus (planned, coordinated response). Overwhelm the economy and force a shutdown. Begin injecting the narrative the "new normal." A once social society (community, church, school, etc.) now becomes isolated (fear, for your neighbor) with only the mirage of...
2) connectivity to the outside world (social media, zoom meetings, etc.). Your information constructed (Operation Mockingbird) and your lives, how you should live them, where you can go (proof of vaccination), who is in your home, etc. now dictated by those in authority whom...
3) were "elected." The "new normal" eventually puts the economy in such a state that unemployment skyrockets and those unable to provide for their families due to the "new normal" become restless. The government now steps in to "provide" (housing, food, health care, education)...
4) Under the guise of this "new normal", wealth is redistributed along with higher taxes to pay for the newly instituted government programs (socialism, communism) while continuing the veneer of a "free society." Eventually, property is eventually confiscated by the state in...
5) order to ensure food production, manufacturing, etc. for the good of the people (the state). Collectivism (Stalin). People continued to be encouraged to "report" neighbors who do not comply with government regulations and a nationalized police force (Obama) is charged with...
6) ensuring that the populace is kept safe from such "rebellion." Globally, the American superpower has been subdued and China, who for a decade has been primed to overtake the United States in technology, economically, and militarily, does so without firing a shot. A global...
7) structure continues to progress (Agenda 2030) and accelerates now that the last domino has fallen. The United States is never "toppled" by outside forces and maintains the mirage of being a free society. The Constitution rendered obsolete and the great Republic has breathed...
8) its last. It was never about invasion. Never about a virus. We are the last bastion of freedom on the face of the earth with the means to fight back. We the People cannot let our Republic fall. It has fallen to us. #wwg1wga #1789Reset
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