It's one of many ways President Trump and his family are looking to cement their hold on the Republican Party with a series of moves aimed at putting themselves in influential places inside conservative circles.
Jared Kushner has discussed developing a media outlet. Lara Trump is looking at running for Senate in North Carolina. And even Kimberly Guilfoyle could find a home at NewsMax, Trump advisors said.
"Politics is now the family business," said one Republican close to the Trump family.
The Republican spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss private deliberations & said the hospitality industry that the Trump family knows well has suffered greatly through the coronavirus pandemic. That's a big reason why they're looking toward the political arena.
"Their model is not to go build stuff and own it," the Republican said. "Their model is to put their name on something someone else built and hold none of the liability."
Among the three oldest Trump children, Trump Jr. has been talked about the most for a possible career in politics. The chatter has involved running for Senate or perhaps even president in 2024 should his father opt not to try again.
"I never want to rule it out," Trump Jr.told Bloomberg Radio in March 2019. "I'm 41. I've got plenty of time."
More recently, Trump advisors have been buzzing about the possibility of Trump Jr. taking on Wayne LaPierre for control of the NRA, according to two Republicans close to the president.
"They're looking for a franchise for Trump Jr," one of the GOP sources said of Trump Jr., who is an avid hunter and has done high-profile events for the NRA during the last four years.
The NRA has been wrought by mismanagement ?s for years. WaPo reported officials admitted recently in tax filings top officials used the $ from the non-profit to enrich themselves. The NRA's spending is also the subject of an ongoing investigation by New York's attorney general.
Of course, it's unclear if Trump Jr. could even be successful if he did try to take control of the NRA. The org's board members select their leadership. And a Republican close to Trump Jr. said the board is filled w/ LaPierre supporters. He's been CEO and EVP since 1991.
The Republican close to Trump Jr. said the president's oldest son has not discussed taking over the NRA. "Don is just not getting involved in that pissing match," this person said.

An NRA spokesman did not return a request for comment.
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