7 Reason Why People Don’t Respect You -

Avoid these FATAL mistakes or be like the majority.

It’s Time to Boss Up ⏰

1. You Don’t Value Your Time

How do you expect others to value your time if you don’t?

People can’t appreciate you or your presence if you’re always available to them at any time.

Make yourself busy by being on your purpose. People will respect you a whole lot more that way.
2. You Talk Too Damn Much

Quality over quantity - speak less so that when you do speak, your words have power.

There’s no mystery to you if you giveaway your whole hand.

Stop talking so damn much and give others a chance to speak.
3. You’re Too Forgiving

When you repeatedly forgive someone for their mistakes, you’re essentially training them how to treat you.

I don’t condone holding a grudge but you need to know when to cut certain people out of your life.

Respect yourself enough to set boundaries.
4. You’re Insecure

People can smell insecurity off you from a mile away.

When you’re insecure, you’re indirectly telling everybody that you’re not good enough.

How can anyone see your value if you don’t see it yourself?

Be confident, you’re a boss 👊🏽
5. You Don’t Keep Your Promises

A real man never goes back on his word...

If his word is weak, the man is weak.

No one respects somebody that is all talk. Actions speak a whole lot louder than words.
6. You’re Too Nice

Don’t let others take your kindness for weakness

Stop trying to make everybody happy, being a pushover will never get you respected.

Stand up for yourself and command the respect that you rightfully deserve.
7. You Don’t Hold Yourself Accountable

Man the fuck up and admit to your mistakes

How can you continue to grow if you truly believe you’re never wrong?

No one will respect you if you’re always blaming others for your shortcomings

Failure is inevitable on the path to success.
Wanna learn how to really boss up and take it to the next level?

Go give my brother @bossyourday a follow 🔥

Y’all better hurry and follow him before he hits 100k and goes Hollywood 😎
You can follow @Risk2Earn.
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