Art appreciation 101 for Scott Morrison of the cartoon painting by Wuhe Qilin used by Zhao Lijian

First of all, it's an artwork and not a fake photo. But the details are so vivid and striking that it could be easily mistaken for a photo. And given the powerful energy
2/ conveyed by a work of art, many people are disturbed by the visual image without exactly knowing why. These are symbols built into our psyches which are being called out to haunt us here.

To call this artwork a fake photo or doctored photo is like calling Picasso's Guernica
3/ a fake photo. Morrison asking Wuhe Qilin to apologize is like Nazi asking Picasso to apologize. Guernica is more "fake" than the cartoon image which is an authentic mild evocation of Aussie war crimes which are a lot more brutal and bloodthirsty.

The colors used are very
4/ pretty almost psychedelic contrasting harshly with the macabre details. The Afghan flag which is composed of three colors, black green and yellow are represented here. Black symbolises the British invasion in the 19th century. Red symbolizes the blood shed/life
5/sacrificed in Afghan resistance to seek independence from the British colonial rule. Green symbolizes the sweet peace and prosperity to be savoured in the future after the struggle. However we see black holes in the green meaning projected peaceful beautiful future is severely
We only see the red and green represented whereas the black "British colonial invasion" part is absent. It's replaced by the blue Aussie flag which also bears the UK colonial symbol. This is saying that new colonial master has replaced the old, and in particular
7/the Anglosphere. It occupies a large space on the left meaning new colonial power is more powerful and menacing. If one looks closely, there were mounds under the Aussie blue flag hinting at a lot more war crimes which are hidden and state sanctioned, covered and protected
8/ by the flag.

The most striking image is the child holding the lamb in the middle whose throat is about to be slit by a strong brutal big Aussie soldier with a knife in his hand leering with glee taking visible pleasure in the exploit. The child is utterly helpless.
9/Note that the child's face is veiled by the blue Aussie flag, meaning it's just another state-sanctioned murder protected and hidden by the flag. The propaganda has rendered the soldier blind to human suffering. He is committing a heinous crime in the name of Western values!
10/ Throat slitting is not an invented detail. Aussie soldiers did wantonly slit the throats of children to prevent them from screaming out for help, put them in bags and dumped into a river. Reality is a lot more horrendous than the cartoon.

Note that the soldier kneels on
11/the blue Aussie flag. That's where he draws his strength from, ie, the systemic Western state indulgence/condonement/endorsement of war crimes which has been part of the art of war.

The child stays on the red part of the Afghan flag, meaning their struggle and sacrifice
12/are not over yet.

The child holds a lamb. This symbolizes the innocence, the victimhood and the helplessness. However the lamb is also a symbol frequently used in association with Christ in classical Western paintings. In Rachael's paintings we see baby boy Jesus Christ
13/ holding a lamb with Mother Mary looking on with immense compassion. The lamb in their paintings also symbolizes the fate of Jesus Christ who was crucified for the original sin of humanity (the murderous bloodthirstiness?). However since later Jesus Christ was resuscitated,
14/the lamb also symbolizes the eternal soul. As Jesus said, "The meek shall inherit the earth". The brutal force looks powerful but it's temporary. A stone looks stronger than a flower. But the grace and the message of a flower, though fragile, is more powerful. Its message is
15/ eternal.

Australia, a supposed Christian nation, embodied by this brutal ugly soldier is made out to be the slaughtering anti-Christ.

Australia talks a lot about China's threat to Western values. Such Western values turn out to be the Western liberty to mass murder the
16/ innocents without being deterred and opposed. If China calls out the Aussie war crimes, then the western bloc feels collectively threatened. These so called Western values have turned against the traditional Western values themselves and have become anti-Christ.
17/Scott Morrison stands with the soldier against the child and the lamb.

China stands with the child and the lamb against the soldier and the Aussie/Western state machines and propaganda.

With this art work, China has declared to the world that it's no longer turning a
18/blind eye to the suffering of the innocent and the meek. It will attack the murderous Western values which allowed such mass slaughtering of innocent people to happen.

Allegorical paintings and Christian symbols are Western traditions. One wonders why nobody in the West has
19/understood such art?

Incidentally, why #Uighurgenocide hasn't produced any powerful art? Because it's fake. There's no such thing. The world is so used to fake representation of human suffering that when something real and powerful comes along, ethos is so unbearably moving,
20/that it immediately creates an international psychological sensation.

This is art! There's no mistake about it. Only the obtuse numbed dumbed soul of Scott Morrison can stay impervious to it. His mind is poisoned by hate and propaganda.

Shame on Australia!
Partially inspired by this Chinese video
Reality calls for great artists
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