Why I believe $FTT is the smartest altcoin play; a thread (1/14)
First of all, what is $FTT?

According to @FTX_Official, it is "...the backbone of the FTX ecosystem." They have designed multiple incentive schemes to motivate traders on FTX to buy and hold $FTT.

Their goal is to increase the demand and decrease the supply. (2/14)
The two big incentive schemes are fee rebates (up to 60%) and when you stake $FTT, you will receive increased referral rates as well as maker fee rebates.

In summary, $FTT makes transacting on FTX a simple and more efficient way of trading. (3/14)
Lastly, FTX also "Buys and Burns" $FTT on a weekly basis.

33% of the fees generated on FTX, 10% of net additions to the insurance fund, and 5% of fees earned from other uses of the FTX platform.

By doing this, the supply of $FTT decreases. (4/14)
Now that we know more about $FTT and what it does, let's talk about why I think it is such a great investment.

First of all, I believe in @FTX_Official as an exchange. Crypto markets are growing (which I expect to continue), and with that, comes natural growth to FTX. (5/14)
More volume coming to FTX combined with the growth of the exchange will lead to more demand for $FTT, because they see the immense value it has with FTX.

Not only do I think we'll see growth from new people entering crypto, but from people switching over from elsewhere (6/14)
I think $FTT is a safer bet than other altcoins because of the exchange it is built on and that it is a project with an actual use case - and it is being used currently. It isn't just an idea for something that *could* have a use case in the future. (7/14)
By betting on $FTT, you are also betting on @SBF_Alameda and @FTX_Official which is something I'm more than comfortable doing.

FTX uses common sense when it comes to what collateral can be used. They allow you to trade so many different pairs, (8/14)
and offer one of a kind indices, that nobody else has. Lastly, and most importantly, in my opinion, they are innovating more than anybody else in this space.

It seems like every other day they are offering something new (most recently, stocks). (9/14)
Now the part everyone is waiting for... the price targets that I have.

Let's compare $BNB (Binance's exchange token) with $FTT. BNB has a market cap of $4.5 billion with 148 million coins of supply.

FTX has a market cap of $425 million with 92 million coins of supply. (10/14)
Using $BNB as a benchmark, each $FTT coin would be worth just over $49 if it were able to achieve the same market cap as BNB

I think this is a conservative target. Binance has been around for almost 2 yrs longer than FTX and they are not doing nearly as much innovation. (11/14)
And this may sound crazy, but I think of this as the floor for $FTT. The first-mover has an incredible advantage and Binance has 2 years on FTX.

FTX is the only exchange founded after late 2018 that has found success, and they're just getting started. (12/14)
I truly believe that FTX will become the outright leader in the crypto exchange industry.

Because of that, $FTT is probably the most no-brainer investment for me in terms of altcoins. I will continue to buy more on a monthly basis and put my money where my mouth is. (13/14)
This also doesn't include new money coming into crypto, which puts the upside of this play even higher.

So essentially, with $FTT at a current price of $4.50, we are looking for nearly a 1000% gain and it is what I consider, the safest play that offers this much upside. (14/14)
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