While I appreciate the zeal and fervor behind "abolish the police", I dislike that there's no corresponding discussion of the economic basis of society. Capitalism requires a police force that defends the current distribution of wealth.
As capitalism decays, the police will be correspondingly better armed, better equipped, and more militarized. To say "abolish the police" is therefore a kind of roundabout way of saying "abolish capitalism" (which I like even better), but here's the issue:
what replaces capitalism? What is its class structure? Will there be attempts to restore capitalism? Who defends the new social and economic order? What we have seen thus far is the only thing capable of overturning capitalism is an armed revolution
(with the exception of very brief experiments, e.g. the Paris Commune, and more recently, CHAZ, that are quickly destroyed) The new system will require defense, which requires police and military. Now these systems must be re-constituted with a new cultural and economic basis
We cannot allow the culture of racist policing to endure. But the question of what is the economic system that the police defend must be brought to the forefront of discussions around police abolition, and by extension, police defunding as well.
We should also keep in mind that the latter slogan ("defund the police") is a compromise position
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