hptwt and sexualizing minors. a thread: what’s happening and why it’s wrong.
firstly, this is your official TW for nsfw. some of the tweets shown are extremely nsfw.
let me start with this: posting nsfw about a character that is a minor is sexualizing them, whether you are posting it from your own or the character’s point of view. it’s especially worse when using the face claim of a REAL PERSON who is/was at the time UNDERAGED.
aging characters up just to sexualize them is also wrong. it’s just as bad, because they were never adults in the first place and there is no plot or anything like a fanfic or story - you just want an excuse to sexualize them.
it doesn’t matter if you are also a minor, because it is putting it out there for others, possibly predatory adults, that this sexualisation of minors is okay when it isn’t. you may have consented to this nsfw aspect but these are innocent characters, MINORS playing them.
TW // extreme nsfw

here are some of the tweets posted. a lot of them haven’t been taken down yet. this does not give you permission to attack anybody. i’m just showing what’s been happening. after all, they’re posted for EVERYONE to see.
you cannot hide behind the TW // nsfw tag because to most of us the nsfw isn’t what’s triggering us. it’s the sexualizing of unconsenting minors — the actors especially, but also of people who are supposed to be children in films and books. it’s disgusting.
the age difference on hptwt is huge. i know the accounts, i won’t name them, but i’ve seen a THIRTEEN year old and a TWENTY FOUR year old interact with hprp accounts in suggestive manners.
harry potter is a safe place for very many people. posting nsfw about minors and making many people uncomfortable on purpose is just gross. encouraging that is gross.
of course you can be attracted to these characters and of course you may think about them that way, but that’s not an excuse to post this for many people to see. one of the tweets above had over 200 likes.
keep it to yourself if you must. this needs to stop. it’s a problem, it’s making people uncomfortable, and it’s wrong. do better. this goes to the rp accounts, regular accounts, and to the accounts that are encouraging this.
many of us have been asking for DAYS for this to stop, and nothing has happened. do fucking better. you make fun of tiktok stans for this shit yet most of you are doing the exact same thing.
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