Thread: The pandemic may not have been the deadliest in history, but it may well be among the most unequal. Our experience of #COVID19 has been deeply shaped by privilege – or lack of it. Wrote about this with @spidermaani.  via @KCET @BUexperts
Those with money, social status, and access to resources have been more easily able to weather this storm than those without. People with less money, for example, have been less likely to recover lost jobs and more likely to face exposure to the virus.
Meanwhile, those with privilege have been able to experience the events of this year as little more than an extended inconvenience, and are insulated from the economic consequences of the moment.
The dividing line of privilege that created these widely different experiences of #COVID19 is the same line which generates and entrenches health inequities in our society. More on privilege here:  v @FortuneMagazine
Creating a healthier world post-Covid-19 means addressing the privilege which has created a society of health haves and have-nots, and not letting our own privilege fool us into thinking the world is as good for others as it may be for us.
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