$SDGR recap of Evercore Conference:

🟥Top priorities for CEO is to make significant advances in the science in the upcoming year
🟥 Drug Discovery ≠ Pattern recognition , much more intricate than that, hence why AI alone is not the answer but a physics based method with AI
🟥 35 years ago when they started, the computers/humans would classify drug discovery as pattern recognition problem
🟥 That's due to a lot of reliance has been on Machine Learning. However, Drug Discovery as they found out is not amenable to Patter Recognition.
🟥 The solution is to have a deeper understanding of the Physics , the problem is 35 years ago or even as early as 10 years ago, computers weren't powerful enough to model all the atoms + molecules, well this has changed since today computers are well capable of doing this.
🟥 New generations GPU's have made this possible. Computations that used to take months, now can be done in a day.
🟥 Named the successes with Nimbus, Morphic and Agios as validation that physics based computational drug discovery works.
🟥 Looking to grow their clinical team over the next few quarters because they will be taking Programs to not just developmental candidate but also early clinical studies as well.
🟥 They are obviously very excited about the progress of their internal programs however they are equally excited about the progress they are making in the software business , seeing broader adoption by pharma of their platform
🟥 As importantly, they don't view these two divisions as separate businesses , they realized some incredible synergies between the two businesses so as the successes of one hinges on the other. The feedback they get from Pharmas on the software side directly benefits their D.D.
🟥Very excited to present the data about the MALT1 Program at ASH conference 👀
🟥3 late stage discovery programs , started in H2 2018, and two years in they are way ahead of schedule and have leads across the three programs, most advanced is MALT1.
🟥 Asked about the DeepMind breakthrough, they said the technology complements their approach because their approach relies on an input , which is the structure of a protein, so they are intrigued by the progress.
🟥 This is it for now! I tried to summarizes only the important points! Off to the next conference with BMO next week and of course ASH this week-end!

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