The problem that exists - and it is a real one - is that it is too difficult to hold the attorneys who file these suits accountable even when they are egregiously violating professional responsibilities.
There are reasons it's difficult. Some of them are actually good ones - not wanting to make people overcautious to make novel but potentially meritorious arguments, not wanting to add another lever that the powerful can use to pummel the less-represented.
Other reasons are less good. With 150 cases, does @marceelias reasonably have time to file sanctions motions? Does a Georgia Assistant AG with 3 active cases in as many courts?
Does a judge with 600 active cases want to spend 5 or 10 hours dealing with a sanctions motion in a case where the outcome is inevitable and the misconduct never threatened to change the outcome.
No matter what the reasons are, this is clearly causing harm.

Yes, this is a failure of the justice system.
Yes, this is a failure of the legal profession.

And, yes, you are right to be angry with us for these failures, and you should try to push us to do better in the future.
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