Thread: Before leaving office, Trump is trying to rush through $23 billion in weapons sales to the UAE. @HRW makes a great case for why these sales must not be allowed to go through.

Here's what you should know: (1/10)
2/ Along with Saudi Arabia, the UAE has led a war on Yemen since 2015 that is causing the worst humanitarian crisis on Earth. Despite removing ground forces in 2019, the UAE’s air campaign and support for abusive proxy forces continue, according to the @UN.
3/ The UN has condemned the Saudi-UAE led coalition's air campaign in Yemen for indiscriminately targeting civilians. With US-made bombs, the coalition has struck hospitals, weddings, and even a school bus, killing at least 26 children.
6/ In Washington, officials have expressed a desire to reward the UAE for normalizing relations with Israel. But as HRW’s @HolewinskiSarah notes, that “should not entail complicity in unlawful deaths in Libya and Yemen.”
7/ In the Senate, @ChrisMurphyCT, @SenatorMenendez, and @RandPaul have introduced resolutions to block these arms sales to the UAE. @Ilhan has introduced a bill in the House. Tell Congress it must swiftly pass these measures ⬇️⬇️ 
9/ Yemen needs food and medicine, not more bombs. The UAE apparently has $23 billion for fighter jets and drones, but $0 for aid for Yemen. That is unacceptable. #StopStarvingYemen
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