Usain Bolt would have lost to this man with the way he ran, he practically ran into the hospital panting and sweating...

What could make a man in his 60's shed tears and mutter the words "Doctor help me, I'm in pains"

I was heartbroken..😭😭😭

Me: what is it, whats causing you pain,where is the pain...talk to me sir

Man: My son I've not been able to urinate for 2days now and I'm in pains

I quickly examined his abdomen, noticed his bladder was full and rushed him to the theatre where I used something like a tube...
called "Urethral catheter" put it through his penis and he urinated like never before...

Immediately he was done, he just smiled and said..."My son Thank you"

Me: I want to examine your prostate sir, I want to put my hand in your anus and check it...its important

I did and...
What i felt with my finger made me turn and tell him, "Sir, can we talk about the PROSTATE"...

• What Is The PROSTATE?
- It's a small gland the size of a tennis ball that is part of the male reproductive system.

- It's the males "G-Spot" often referred to as the "P-Spot"😋😋😋
• Where Is It Found?
- It rests below the bladder and infront of the rectum.
- It surrounds part of the urethra (The tube that carries urine from the bladder)

• What's The Function?
- It helps produce some fluid in Semen which carries sperm from the testes when one ejaculates.
• The PROSTATE Grows...
- As one gets older, the prostate becomes larger and its normal.

- Because the prostate surrounds the tube that carries urine, when it grows bigger than normal, the enlarged prostate will squeeze the tube making it difficult to urinate...you undertand?
This is called "BENIGN PROSTATIC HYPERPLASIA" Or "BPH" for short, don't worry let me break it down...

• Benign- Not Cancerous
• Prostatic- Prostate gland
• Hyperplasia- Increase in size

So BPH simply means increase in the size of the prostate gland that is not cancerous.
• Signs And Symptoms Of BPH

1. Urinating frequently
2. Urinating frequently especially at night
3. Incomplete urinating, you always feel there's more urine but you can't urinate it.
4. Difficulty urinating
5. Dribbling of urine, urine comes and stops
6. Inability to urinate
• Who Are Those At Risk Of BPH

1. Men
2. Age ( any man from age 40 down should check out his prostate)
3. Family history of BPH
4. Diabetes and heart diseases
5. Obesity

BPH left untreated might lead to "PROSTATE CANCER" which is the most commonest cancer amongst men
One thing you can do for your father this Christmas is to take him to the hospital to check his prostate...

Prostate Cancer kills but when detected on time can be treated...

Prostate Cancer...Next Topic

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